Chicken Chaser

CRank: 8Score: 38370

oh sure..i'm going to educate people buy saying " X " game is better than " X " game when both games are not even out or coming this year

thanks for the education but no thanks..i don't think people need learn to be as dumb as you

oh btw..write something new next time..instead of the same old rehash copy/paste from all your comments..if you are going to suck at trolling then at least be more varied and entertaining

5462d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

a round of applause for trying so hard ;)

5462d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

did i say Rising? Obviously Metal Gear Solid franchise was a huge part of Sony's exclusive arsenal from PS2 games to PSP and PS3. Its been a long time since a Metal Gear game came out on a non sony console *MGS2-substance, MGS GC remake * and Kojima announced at e3 that he was bringing the Metal Gear Franchise to the xbox 360 and they are investing on a new Multiplatform engine..and if you think its only for this game then you are crazy. so yeah


5462d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Now. I'll wait for some Asshole to come and say " LOL Playstation 3 just lost another exclusive! First Metal Gear Solid and now this "

Meh .. where's DNAgent to spin this one?

5462d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

cus this is soo much better than loosing Metal Gear / sarcasm*

yeah..btw is a misprint look at the Gamezone post for the full scan

and PS3 just lost Cross Edge in this same magazine... talk about swapping sh!tty RPG's

5462d ago 7 agree3 disagreeView comment

remember the first it any good?

5463d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

so much for a game nobody have even seen.. Raiden was the main character in more than half of MGS2 and he was using his sword and that didn't stop the game from being great.Also with the resources they are using to create a new from the ground engine don't expect this to be the first/last MGS on 360

5463d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wii Version

5463d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess they haven't read the article..they just saw the headline. thought it was bad and approved it

from the article:
" To be quite frank, regardless of the changes and improvements developers make, it will be a smash hit."

"About 3 million copies sold in comparison to 35,000 known protesters is just a fraction. Not to mention, how many of those 35,000 people will actually not buy Left 4 Dead 2?"

5464d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


I added Last Guardian and Modnation now

but i won't add the others because they were missing from their conference/old or releasedalready in japan like Demon Souls and WKC

5464d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

no retard

this is what you are saying

Quoting you

1. Sony
2. Microsoft
3. Nintendo"

you are putting SONY #1 at Last Gen Consoles...You are not the smart one in the family right?

btw My 32" Samsung 720p-1080p, 50,000: 1 contrast HDTV is more than enough for gaming..don't need anything else..but what ever ...i know i owned you and you don't have anything to say just lame ...

5464d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Is really sad trying to say Natal is just an eye toy..but whatever floats your boat

i guess that PS3 wand controller is just a Wii 2 knock off then

Both sony and MS had good shows..but what did they show?


-The Agent- Exclusive Logo cus nothing else was shown
-FInal Fantasy MMO- The only big surprise that ended up not being exclusive just hours after
-Uncharted 2- Shown already on Spike VG Awards and GTTV- Gameplay/Trailer ...

5464d ago 14 agree4 disagreeView comment

sooo you are listing LAST GEN gaming consoles and put ps3 on #1?

ummm you are not very smart are you? hahaha

5464d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

of course its Gran Turismo 3 sales were better than Halo2 ..what do you expect ? a game to sell more on a console with 24-25 millions install base or a console with 100 million + install base?

5465d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment


Aww so cute! I can't believe someone went step by step to create an account to be just like me!

Same name,Same Picture..he even needs to log out from his accounts to sing as me! :D how great is that?

you know.. i appreciate all your work but you and i just...wouldn't work.. I'm straight you see, but don't get offended i know you tried hard! ;)

5467d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Che from Turn 10 already stated they are not bullshots

"CHE- "Screenshots released so far are photomode shots. I'm usually the one that takes them. Trust me, I don't have teh l33t CG and photoshop skillz"

5467d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

really? haha your lack of imagination is amusing! Congratulations on being so original ;)

I'm flattered that someone took time to create a copy of my account.. even thou is kinda sad you know

Here..take a bubble! and remember to keep it up! :D

5467d ago 19 agree3 disagreeView comment

What's the point of posting the exact same video from e3 again ?

5467d ago 6 agree10 disagreeView comment
5467d ago
5467d ago